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Hiya Hiya Hiya and welcome to Felty Friends Studios! We are an editing group for people who want to edit muppets u0026 other puppets! We are open to both phone and computer editors and to new editors always! Before you join our studios, we do have a few simple rules! 1. Don't be an asshole to other members! This is the most important. If you are being bigoted or just a plain asshole, you are not welcome here! If you are bigoted towards POC, disabled people, LGBTQ people, etc, you are not welcome! We do not need any hecklers! 2. We are a Discord-based group, so it is preferred if you join our server to participate. It will help you see signups easily and connect with other members. However, if you are 100% not into joining a server, please provide another way to contact you if you can! 3. No shipping discourse please, as long as none of the ships aren't harmful in some way (for example, no incest/pedo stuff will ever be allowed) people are allowed to discuss their ships here! And for now, those are our only rules! If you wish to join, please just provide a Discord tag in the comments or another way to contact you if ya can! If you need to contact the admin for anything, I am Puffy, my main YouTube is puffythepig and you can find me on most social media under puffythepig (or puffythepiggy on twitter) and my Discord tag is puffythepig#8890 !
[Welcome to Felty Friends Studios!][Welcome to Felty Friends Studios!][Welcome to Felty Friends Studios!][Welcome to Felty Friends Studios!]
[Welcome to Felty Friends Studios!]