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Lashing in layers..👇 . 🌸By Using lash extension tape you can lash your clients layers. . 🌸 Each person is different but most people have multiple layers of lashes. . 🌸The top layer is the easier to lash since they are closest to you. . 🌸Once the top layer has been lashed, it can be harder to get at the bottom layer. . 🌸using a small piece of lash tape to tape back the top layer helps you out so much. ESPECIALLY during volume sets 😍🤩 . 🌸 Make sure the tape isn’t too sticky before you do this. You can de-tack the tape if needed. . 🌸Have you tried this method during your lash sets? Comment below! . 🌸This pink micropore tape is perfect for this method and for taping around the eyes. It’s breathable, comfortable for your clients, easy to remove while still sticking and not falling off! . 🛍️ Also used in this video: 🌸Dallas volume tweezer - https://eslashes.com/collections/eyelash-extension-tweezers/products/dallas-volume-tweezer 🌸Miami volume tweezer - https://eslashes.com/collections/eyelash-extension-tweezers/products/miami-volume-tweezer 🌸pink micropore tape - https://eslashes.com/products/micropore-tape-for-eyelash-extensions 🌸0.05 volume lashes - https://eslashes.com/products/volume-lashes-0-05 🌸All available at eslashes.com 🤩🛍️
Lashing In Layers For Beginners | QUICK TIPLashing In Layers For Beginners | QUICK TIPLashing In Layers For Beginners | QUICK TIPLashing In Layers For Beginners | QUICK TIP
Lashing In Layers For Beginners | QUICK TIP