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信任状捧呈式の馬車列の様子をお伝えします。 東京駅から皇居まで美しい景色とともに優雅に走る馬車をご覧下さい。丸の内に響き渡る心地良い蹄の音もお楽しみいただけます。 また、馭者の所作や皇宮警察、警視庁の騎馬隊の配置など細かい部分までご確認頂けると思います。 ※信任状捧呈式とは、新任大使が天皇陛下に信任状を捧呈する外交儀礼です。 In Tokyo, you can see the fabulous procession of horse-drawn carriages at the Ceremony of the Presentation of Credentials, carrying a new ambassador to Japan to the Imperial Palace from Tokyo Station. Only a few countries worldwide, among them the United Kingdom and Spain, use horse-drawn carriages to welcome newly appointed ambassadors. The ceremonial carriage used is said to have been built in the late nineteenth century. Every newly appointed foreign ambassador to Japan is given the option of riding to the palace in the carriage or taking an luxury automobile instead. No surprise, really, that almost all of them choose the former. Many ambassadors express a preference for the carriages, attesting to the success of the ceremony in promoting international goodwill. 撮影機材 Gopro HERO7 SONY RX100M6 ZHIYUN CRANE M2 #horse-drawn carriage #Ceremony of the Presentation of Credentials #emperor #信任状捧呈式 #ambassador #Imperial Palace
【心地良い蹄音♪】丸の内を優雅に駆ける華麗なる馬車列 Gorgeous, elegant! Diplomatic credential presentation ceremony in Japan.【心地良い蹄音♪】丸の内を優雅に駆ける華麗なる馬車列 Gorgeous, elegant! Diplomatic credential presentation ceremony in Japan.【心地良い蹄音♪】丸の内を優雅に駆ける華麗なる馬車列 Gorgeous, elegant! Diplomatic credential presentation ceremony in Japan.【心地良い蹄音♪】丸の内を優雅に駆ける華麗なる馬車列 Gorgeous, elegant! Diplomatic credential presentation ceremony in Japan.
【心地良い蹄音♪】丸の内を優雅に駆ける華麗なる馬車列 Gorgeous, elegant! Diplomatic credential presentation ceremony in Japan.