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Want to know what breastfeeding is really like? Listen in on the conversation between lactation consultant Nancy Chandley Adams and new mom, Jenna. Women u0026 Infants Hospital supports breastfeeding because of the many health benefits it provides for both mother and baby. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding exclusively for the first six months. After the introduction of solid food, breastfeeding is recommended until the child is 12 months of age and may continue as long as both mother and baby desire. However, any time spent breastfeeding will benefit your baby. Our goal is to assist all mothers and babies to feed in a comfortable and healthy way. We support women in meeting their goals for successful breastfeeding. We also assist women choosing to formula feed by providing safe formula preparation and bottle feeding information. Like giving birth, the experience of comfortably breastfeeding your baby is almost impossible to describe. With the right information and support, breastfeeding is comfortable and satisfying for mothers and babies. To learn more about breastfeeding and Women u0026 Infants Hospital click: http://www.womenandinfants.org/havingababy/feedingyourbaby/index.cfm
Conversation with a Breastfeeding MomConversation with a Breastfeeding MomConversation with a Breastfeeding MomConversation with a Breastfeeding Mom
Conversation with a Breastfeeding Mom